Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Development of Fission and the Nuclear Reactor Essay -- Essays Pap

The Development of Fission and the Nuclear Reactor Nuclear transmutations had began in 1919 with an experiment by Earnest Rutherford. He demonstrated that nitrogen, when bombarded with alpha particles, can be turned into oxygen. During the 1920’s experiments continued, but collecting radioactive sources with a high enough intensity became hard. In 1931 the invention of the cyclotron and the Van de Graaff accelerator made a variety of other particles available, and strengthened nuclear studies. In 1934 Frederick Joliot discovered artificial radioactivity. The development of nuclear fission, the splitting of an elements heavy nucleus, like a uranium atom to form two lighter "fission fragments" as well as less massive particles as the neutrons, really began with the research of Enrico Fermi and his associates at the University of Rome, in Italy. In 1934 it was known that atoms consisted of a nucleus, containing protons and neutrons, surrounded by electrons. It was also known that certain nuclei were radioactive. Radioactive nuclei emit alpha particles, which are pieces of nuclear matter containing two protons and two neutrons. After the alpha particle leaves the nucleus radium is changed into radon. If the radon gas is combined with several grams of beryllium then neutrons are found to be emitted. When the alpha particle enters a beryllium nucleus it provides enough kinetic energy for a neutron to burst out, leaving behind a carbon nucleus in the process. It was later determined that this energy could be harnessed by a nuclear reactor and used for power. A nuclear reactor causes a interaction between two or more nuclei, nuclear particles, or radiation, causing fission. Nuclear reactors are used ... strives to use energy wisely, existing resources will last longer. Less damage to the environment will occur. Thanks to the development of nuclear fission and the nuclear reactor, our society has seen many changes over the past 65 years. Nuclear energy has helped to take our country into the next era. From medical uses to powering submarines, nuclear energy has provided us with a much more advanced and efficient way of creating electricity and power. Bibliography Allison, Samuel. Constructive Uses of Atomic Energy. Freeport, NY: Harper& Row, Publishers, Inc, 1971. Dietz, David. Atomic Science, Bombs and Power. New York, NY: Collier Books, 1962. Graetzer, Hans. The Discovery of Nuclear Fission. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1971. Williams, Robert. The American Atom. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1984.

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